Family photography, Spain, Alicante

The first time I saw them when we were not yet familiar, I saw a self-assured successful man of about 40 years of age, and a purely beautiful 27 years old lady. "A normal European couple," – I thought then, but it actually turned out so or almost so.

In fact, this turned out to be an incredibly harmonious pair of two successful people who have nothing to prove to anybody, they aren’t fighting for anything, they just enjoy life, love each other and of course their beautiful beauty Jisel! And you would have heard how they talk among themselves. Look at how tightly they hold each other. It’s only people who have  understood something in this life that can do so…

I was very pleased to work with you and just chat. I sincerely wish you a warm and touching relationship! Take care of each other and your beautiful Jisel!

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