Portrait photography with Salt Studio: 7 different ways to take personal pictures

Portrait is one magical tool for any photographer, and exactly those images are supposed to be a connection between the viewer and the model itself. Portrait would evoke an emotion and would make you feel one way or another. The beauty and the importance of this photography is primary for the visual art and historical meanings.


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The main reason to take this type of photos is to capture people's personality and to try showing their soul through the eyes.


Top-7 ways of portraits with Salt Studio:


1. Classical portrait
The traditional portrait will be a photo, taken of the model looking straight and posing for the camera. Most of the time those types of photos are done at the studio, with the help of studio lights and special backgrounds. Very often used for professional resumes and others. Outdoors or indoors - classic portraits are usually mainly focusing on the model. 


2. Lifestyle portrait
This would be exactly the opposite image of the traditional portraits, as the idea of lifestyle is to capture the most daily life and expressions of the models. In this case it’s not obligatory to look at the camera or pose, just be yourself and the best result will come. Perfect type of outside photography. 


3. Environmental portrait

This portrait type will be taken at the place or location that is bringing a special meaning to the composition itself. Most of the time they will be taken at nature or some industrial objects, as well as historical buildings.


4. Urban portrait

One of the easiest ways of portrait photography – candid type of shooting that allows not to plan anything for the model, allowing them to move freely and easily. Type of the portrait that can be called “just be yourself”


5. Glamor portraits
Absolutely opposite portraits to the urban style, those types of pictures would require a lot of preparation, such as make-up, hair, and different outfits. Most of the time taken in the studio (indoors) and heavily retouched in Photoshop after. Salt Studio is proud to announce that we are working with some of the most romantic and exquisite designers of Dubai city. 


6. Artistic portraits
Or, so-called “Fine Art photography” – recreating famous paintings or being inspired by them, but using modern technologies, as well as make up and else. A lot of the photographers don’t consider this type of portraits from the same family.


7. Family and group portraits
One of the warmest and nicest types of photography, where emotions burst. Most of the time is used at the family celebrations, such as birthdays, weddings, anniversaries and others. A lot of times this type of portraits is also used in the working environment or formal meetings.


Why is taking portraits so important? We know the answer!

The difference between every portrait type is clear, and Salt Studio is so excited to find out what time of portrait photography is needed exactly for you and your family! Our professional female team from Europe is ready to work in Dubai, Abu-Dhabi, Ajman, Sharjah and other Emirates.


Over 16 years of experience in photography, personal WhatsApp consultation with the photographers before signing the contracts, flexible packages and outfits from talented artists included in the price!


Book your photoshoot with us and discover an unforgettable experience in front of the camera, where you are the most important thing in the world! This adventure will forever stay with you and your family. Salt Studio – we create memories for the people who are in love in this life!


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