Welcome to our site - our world of photography, emotions and beauty. Love, family, travelling and favourite work - these are our main values. We are ready to divide all our skills and our feelings with our clients. Through our photography we show what we see, how we feel and what can inspire us.


أهلا بكم في موقعنا, في عالم التصوير والإحساس والجمال الخاص بنا.

إن الحب والعائلة والسفر والعمل المفضل هي أهم اهتماماتنا. ونحن على أتم الاستعداد لنشارك كل مهاراتنا ومشاعرنا مع زبائننا. نظهر في تصويرنا ما نراه,ما نشعر به, وما يمكن أن يلهمنا.

Salt Studio - is a team of professional photographers with more than 15 years of experience in family and child portraits, weddings, engagements and other events, shooting in studios all around the world. We take bright and colorful pictures with real emotions. Premium quality, individual approach, high level of responsibility and respect for privacy - our main strengths.


أستوديو سولت هو فريق من المصورين المحترفين ذو خبرة أكثر من عشرة سنوات في حفلات الزواج والخطوبة وأحداث أخرى كتصوير الأطفال والعائلة في مختلف أنحاء العالم. نحن نصنع صورا ملونة ومشرقة ذو أحاسيس حقيقية. قوتنا الحقيقية تكمن في الجودة العالية, أسلوب التعامل الفردي, المستوى العالي من المسؤولية والاحترام لأجل خصوصيتك.


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Professional photographer in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah: 
premium quality services at Salt Studio, UAE

If you are looking for a professional photography service in UAE, you are at the right place. At Salt Studio we are a strong female team with extensive experience and the best equipment who are keen on their work.

أستوديو سولت- أستوديو للصور عالية الجودة في دبي

إذا كنت تبحث عن خدمة تصوير احترافي في الإمارات العربية المتحدة فأنت في الطريق الصحيح. في أستوديو سولت يعمل فريق قوي ذو خبرة كبيرة وبأفضل المعدات, ومولعون جدا بعملهم.


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Professional wedding, family and child photography - our favourite orientations, but we are also shooting with great pleasure different events, fashion, portraits, food, interior, jewelry in Dubai, Abu-Dhabi, Sharjah and all of the Middle East. 


توجهنا المفضل هو التصوير الاحترافي لحفلات الزفاف والعائلة والأطفال, لكننا نصور أيضا بكل سرور أحداث مختلفة كالأزياء واللوحات الفنية والطعام والصور الداخلية للأبنية والمجوهرات في دبي, أبو ظبي, الشارقة, وكل الشرق الأوسط.

Salt Studio - your personal photographer
in Dubai, Abu-Dhabi, Sharjah and all Middle East

Email: salt@atsaltstudio.com



+971 505 98 5502

+971 528 93 6693

Address: Meraki Genesis, Arjan, Dubai


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What is Salt Studio?

  • It’s more than 19 years of experience in photography; more than 19 years of life, feelings, quests and love.
  • It's the 11th place in the nomination of "Emotional Impact Summer 2017 Contest"
  • It’s an international standard of quality in the sphere of modern photography. Membership of ISPWP: The International Society of Professional Wedding Photographers
  • It’s not just a photography, it’s your history, your family and personal value. We do it professionally, delicately, and with love
  • It's a membership of BOWP: Best of Wedding Photography 

It’s a SALT. It’s what adds piquancy and works up an interest; it’s a raisin that gives taste; it’s an esprit that gives meaning.

Salt Studio puts emphasis on the highlights while missing extraneous details that can be left out to capture pure emotions and beauty; all of which that can slip away from us in the hustle and bustle of life. Salt Studio will pack and put up your wonderful memories, allowing you to open the box with your memories any time, to remember all best moments in your life.

Your way to amazing word of photography starts here!


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Clients' feedback


★ ★ ★ ★ ★


Olya, the pictures are just super!
We could not imagine that there is such a beauty !!! Each - as a picture, it would be desirable to look at again and again. We are very very very satisfied with your work))) And glad to find it for you)))) Working with you is a pleasure, very comfortable, nice and easy, as if we are long familiar with each other)))) Thank you for memorialising our day !!!))))


Wedding of Vladimir&Anna


★ ★ ★ ★ ☆


Thank you!))), we really enjoyed working with you !!! A special thank you for having given me such an amazing mood (even when I was in despair, that the groom was late!))))))

thanks for the discount) we are definitely going to use it)))

and even thank you for the link- it’s very handy !!)))

I especially like one picture (I saw this pic on your wall) and I want to say thank you. I never knew I could look so beautiful)))))

kiss: ***

Yours faithfully,

Eremeeva Catherine.


Wedding of Ekaterina&Salavat


★ ★ ★ ★ ★


Olga, hi!

We really like this pictures))) I would like to say a special thanks to Maxim !! Your mother said that he helped them so much !!!! There are so many wonderful pictures I don’t think we will ever get tired of looking at them))))

Sincerely, Best Regards



Wedding of Ekaterina&Salavat


★ ★ ★ ★ ☆


We very carefully chose the photographer because the choice of photos will last a lifetime. After reviewing nearly the entire Internet, I found on this website Diagonal Studio and have not regretted it. Photos are chic and they staged a great shot. In addition, Olga and her team - very good friendly and hard-working people who love their work and work with enthusiasm. Communicating with them is a pleasure. I would recommend them to all my friends, because they are really professionals in their field.


Wedding of Sergey&Svetlana


★ ★ ★ ★ ★


Hello)) I was just writing a letter) we have only recently arrived and looked at the photos posted! Needless to say, such a delight, already captures the spirit !!!! Inexpressibly grateful to you! You're the most talented photographers and professionals !!!! They are so well done, thank you !!!! Vitaly.


Wedding of Irina&Vitaly


★ ★ ★ ★ ★


Finally, we looked at the photos and videos), sadly, not all of them..yet!))) Thank you very much for the pleasure which we received)))) wonderful pictures))) We have found so many moments in the video which we do not remember, maybe there are many more to discover. You are great!!!))) You have on the site already so many new couples and they are all wonderful) Best regards, Irina.


Wedding of Irina&Vitaly

Read more feedback

Salt Studio - premium quality photo studio in Dubai

Our Values

To show a real life in our photos, we do not just press the camera button, but rather we put our feelings and emotions, passing each shot through ourselves and devoting most of our life to your photos. Over the years of working as photographers, we have formed a list of important principles, to which we strictly adhere every time we take pictures.


So, our main values:

نصف الواقعية ونقوم بريبورتاجات (تغطية الأخبار) وندخل الإحساس الشخصي على صورنا, ونخصص التصوير للجزء الأفضل من حياتنا. خلال سنوات من العمل كمصورين فإننا أوضحنا سبعة نقاط رئيسية والتي أصبحت قواعدنا الأساسية, وهي كالآتي:



We shoot love, we make it with love and good mood, we put some pieces of our soul in every shot, we understand your feelings, your emotions and we very often play the role of a psychologist at the wedding. We love our work - well could it be otherwise?!


الحب: كل شيء نقوم به نفعله بحب وبمزاج جيد. نضع جزءا من روحنا وقلبنا داخل كل صورة. نحن نفهم مشاعرك, أحاسيسك وغالبا ما نؤدي دور العالم النفسي خلال التصوير. نحن نحب عملنا !



There is no conveyor, all our shots are unique, just like our customers. We never give your photos to freelance retouchers – even if we have a lot of work, we don’t recruit specialists who have no experience in the wedding industry. We know all our customers in person. Maybe that's why our deadlines are longer that the deadlines of other photo studios. But when it comes to your memories, which will be stored for decades, does waiting for a few weeks matter? We process all our photos by ourselves manually, we don’t chase after quantity, we love photography more than money!


الجودة: كل عضو في فريقنا هو مصور محترف مع سنوات من الخبرة ونتائج عالية المستوى في هذه المهنة. ليس هناك توصيل, كل صورة لدينا تكون فريدة من نوعها مثل زبوننا. نحن لا نعطي صورنا أبدا لأي شخص لأجل أن يقوم بتحريرها وطباعتها حتى لو كان لدينا الكثير من العمل. ربما لهذا السبب مواعيدنا تستغرق وقتا أطول لانجازنا للطلب أكثر من أستوديوهات التصوير الأخرى في دبي. لكن عندما نتكلم عن ذكرياتك الجميلة والتي ستبقى على مر الزمان فهل لذلك أهمية؟ جميع الصور التي لدينا نقوم بالعمل عليها بأنفسنا, فنحن لا نهتم بالكمية لأننا نحب التصوير أكثر من المال.



Our clients are respected people who occupy high positions in the society. We work with royal families and make only those photos that can be proudly shown even to great-grandsons, without ‘silly’ poses and pseudo-humor.


الاحترام: زبائننا هم من الناس الناجحين والجديرين بالاحترام ونحن لأجلهم نصبح عائلة خاصة ومصورين أعمال خلال سنوات عديدة. فهم يثقون في شركتنا في أكثر الأحداث أهمية في حياتهم. ونحن حقا فخورين جدا بذلك!




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